Large map of the Czech Republic

In addition to the world map, you can't miss the Big Map of the Czech Republic in your map kit.

A detailed educational map with a detailed representation of the relief, where all the Czech and Moravian mountain ranges stand out.

It is suitable for group work of children. The map without labels allows you to place your own labels, create your own thematic layers over the map and tell geographical stories.

The map is printed on a plastic sheet with buttons, which can withstand the increased load of children and can be used even during outdoor learning.

The map is at a scale of 1 : 300 000 and measures 166 x 96 cm.






Category: e-shop
Velikost: 166 x 96 cm
Materiál: umělohmotná plachta s druky na zavěšení
Popisovatelná: ne
Měřítko: 1 : 300 000 v rozlišení 25 x 25 m
Lze zavěsit: ano
Lze srolovat: ano
Prodloužená záruka 3 roky: ano

When ordering a map of the Czech Republic you will receive:
Map of the Czech Republic
A describable printed map of the Czech Republic in A3 size

Why buy maps from MAPUiTO?
The maps excel in quality of display, you can see even the smallest details and underwater relief.
We produce large and durable maps that children can walk, run, work independently or in a group. 
Connecting geography and learning. The maps are produced by a Montessori teacher and a physical geographer with many years of experience in geoinformatics systems.
New tools are invented together with teachers.
Lots of free supplementary materials. We create free supplementary worksheets for the maps. You can also look forward to 3D aids. 
Family production for us means maximum commitment to you and attention to your requirements. We produce customized maps.
We care about the environment. Every month we plant a tree in cooperation with Arnika. We try to avoid unnecessary plastics in packaging and use paper adhesive tapes. We print all maps in the Czech Republic. We are always looking for more environmentally friendly ways to print maps and the material meets the Reach Directive. 

o Mapuito

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TS Avatar of author | 13/03/2023
Už sa tešíme na prácu s mapou:) Pribudla ďalšia do zbierky, je to radosť skúmať a spoznávať. // Looking forward to working with the map:)Added another one to the collection, it's a joy to explore and get to know. // Ich freue mich auf die Arbeit mit der Karte:) Ich habe eine weitere Karte zur Sammlung hinzugefügt, es macht Spaß, sie zu erkunden und kennenzulernen.
E Avatar of author | 22/02/2022
Mapu používáme ve výuce velmi často. Je vhodná jak k úvodu do tématu České republiky - "čteme z mapy", kde leží hory, kde nížiny, vodní toky apod., tak k mnoha navazujícím aktivitám - například naši sousedé, části vodního toku nebo zemědělství naší země. Vyhovuje mi, že je mapa bez popisků, vyjeví se na ní věci, které se v podrobně popsaném atlase ztratí.// We use the map very often in teaching. It is suitable both for the introduction to the topic of the Czech Republic - "reading from the map", where the mountains lie, where the lowlands are, watercourses, etc., and for many follow-up activities - for example, our neighbours, parts of the watercourse or agriculture of our country. I like the fact that the map is unlabelled, it brings out things that would be lost in a detailed atlas.// Wir verwenden die Karte sehr oft im Unterricht. Sie eignet sich sowohl für die Einführung in das Thema Tschechische Republik - "von der Karte lesen", wo die Berge liegen, wo das Tiefland ist, Wasserläufe usw., als auch für viele Folgeaktivitäten - zum Beispiel unsere Nachbarn, Teile des Wasserlaufs oder die Landwirtschaft unseres Landes. Mir gefällt die Tatsache, dass die Karte unbeschriftet ist, denn so werden Dinge deutlich, die in einem detaillierten Atlas verloren gehen würden.

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